Not Sure Why Should You Activate Your GPS And Become A Partner?

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What's Your Current Status?

You're Not A Clubshop Member?

You need to be a Clubshop Affiliate to proceed with the next steps.

You're Not A Trial Partner, Yet.

If you haven't started your 30-Day Trial, you'd better doing it now. Even if you want to subscribe to your GPS right now. So, start from here:

You Are A Trial Partner Already.

If you have already started your 30-Day GPS Trial Program you can start from here:

Even if you’ve already decided to subscribe to a GPS, it’s a good thing if you become a Trial Partner first. 

This is due to several reasons that will help you to have an even better start.

Click Here or the link above to read carefully all the benefits of the Trial Program and select the GPS Type you’d like to try and possibly activate.


This page explains clearly what the Global Partner System or GPS is.

If you don’t know the GPS, yet, you should read attentively the information in this page, and watch the video that you also see above in this page, before clicking the “Confirm Your GPS” button for the GPS type you want to activate.


Bear in mind that if you are a Trial Partner already, you can only confirm the GPS you are currently trying, or a superior one. You can’t activate a GPS inferior to the one that you are trying.

When you click the “BUY NOW” button, a small pop-up window appears to remind you that during the checkout process you need to use the same email address that you currently have on file as a Clubshop Affiliate (even if you pay with PayPal and if your PayPal account is different). 

Clic the “OK” button to confirm you have understood that.


4) Complete the checkout process.

The first page of the checkout process asks you to provide your email address. As we said before, here you need to use exclusively the email address that you already registered in your Clubshop account.

Taxes will be added only if you are a European resident.

The PayPal Express Checkout Button shows up here already. 

But, if you want to use another payment option, such as Credit/Debit Card, or Bitcoin, click the “Continue To Payment” button that you’ll see under the form.


Certain Countries for different reasons are blacklisted by the company that processes our credit card payments. 

If you see that you card payment is declined, try with PayPal, because they allow you to pay directly with your card, even if you don’t have a PayPal account.

Once you’ve clicked the “Continue To Payment” button, you find the different payment options available.

In the following page you can review your order and make sure the email addresses you provided is the same one you used when you registered as a Clubshop Affiliate.
If you selected Emerchantpay, you’ll be able to follow a typical credit card payment procedure, with which you should be already familiar.


If you selected PayPal, you’ll see two options:

you can login to your PayPal account if you already have one.

Or you can pay directly with your credit/debit card.

Select the suitable option.

Once you have completed al the mandatory fields, click the button to proceed.

If the payment is accepted, and you provided the correct email address, matching the same one that you have on file as a Clubshop Affiliate, your GPS is instantly actIvated.



Additional Adevertising COOP Shares

If all went fine, you see a thank you page, confirming the your new status.

That page invites you to consider the opportunity of ordering also some additional Advertising Coop Shares, to speed up your business building process.

It’s an easy way to boost your business and set up the good example for your existing and future team.


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